Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunshine Day

It's been a great day, a great week actually. Most weeks there are highs and lows. I guess yesterday could have been the low, if I was keeping track. I did make Ainsley cry (because I snapped at her when she SCREAMED about "Ainsley go potties!" RIGHT after I'd just come downstairs after putting her down for a nap and had asked her about 12 times if she had to go before nap). She in fact had to poop, nothing like watching a sobbing toddler try to poo on her potty :o( not my proudest mom moment. But save that one incident, it's been great.

To start Louise is sitting up all on her own! Truth be told I was a bit surprised when Ian propped her up yesterday evening, took his hand away, and she just stayed there, upright, happily looking around from her new vantage point.

We've kind of pinned Louise as the "calm" one, the "easy going child who will by NO means walk before she is one". We may have pegged her incorrectly. She is calm for sure, and easy going, but she screeches and squeals like I've never heard a baby squeal, LOVES to be startled and chased and in turn loves "chasing" Ainsley around. I have to get this on camera someday. Me holding Louise up in a standing position chasing Ainsley around so that both Louise and Ainsley think that Louise is chasing her around? AMAZING!

We have been enjoying the unseasonable warm weather with the best of them. Yesterday despite the gloomy skies Ainsley slipped on her two sizes too big rainboots (I didn't want to spend $20 on rainboots that she would outgrow right away!) and we sloshed up and down the block. It was her first foray into true puddle splashing and let me tell you she may be a pro. Even her topple into the muddy slush didn't phase her. We just stomped on home, got her all cleaned up and replayed the incident (rather dramatically if I do say so myself) for the rest of the day.

Today was much better, weather wise. We woke up to beautiful sun filled skies, confused birds chirping and almost NO snow on the ground. After breakfast we got out for a great walk and an impromptu trip to the park. Ainsley was in heaven. When she said "Mama, Ainsley cold, go home please." I knew two things. 1. I clearly didn't dress her for the elements (she insisted on wearing her raincoat, at least I got the lined one!) and 2. My girl has grown up so much since even last fall. I don't think I've EVER heard her ask to go home from the park. She articulates herself so well now (well, for a 25 month old).

We ended the morning with a quick grocery run where we ran into an old mom friend of mine from my teaching days and a toddler friend of Ainsley's from musikgarten. Both Ainsley and Louise LOVE grocery shopping, Ainsley for the amazing free samples at whole foods and Louise for all the attention she gets in the front pack. A sweet little old polish lady just stared at her smiling and grabbed her hands. I could tell Louise was smiling from the size of her cheeks in profile. There is something about the elderly and infants I tell you, it's magical.

After an episode of Blue's Clues over a yummy lunch both girls were primed to crash.

Here I sit thankful for the sunbeams on the rug, the way-too-strong-cup-of-coffee-in-lieu-of-a-nap in my hand, and my sweet sleeping girls upstairs.

What a way to kick off a weekend celebrating my 27 years of life. Gosh I'm getting old!

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