Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Diaper Decision

After careful consideration and LOTS of back and forth we've come to a decision about the diapers. (I know, you've all been on the edge of your seats right?)

After scouring the diapers in a little dawn and rinsing them about a MILLION times, they are still only so so. About half of them still smell a bit and all of the velcro is shot.

I know I am partly to blame. I wasn't as careful with their washing and drying as I should have been a the beginning. While I've always used diaper friendly detergent an errant wipe or two would get in there and ravage the velcro. Plus I've always machine dried them, on low, but still not as good as air drying. If only I knew then what I know now...

So we've decided to buy 6 new diapers, and fix 12 of our 24 diapers. I ordered new liners and velcro kits so in the end we should have 18 working diapers. My thought was that we're going to have more children EVENTUALLY and these diapers have lasted 2.5 years even with merely moderate's their time. Rather than sink a bunch of money into fixing them all I'd rather use some of that money to get a few new ones and make the ones we have work as best we can.

Truth be told I'm pretty pumped for new diapers, thrilled actually. If you'd told me 5 years ago that I'd be salivating over new cloth diapers I would have laughed in your face. Oh how motherhood changes us.

1 comment:

  1. This post is totally how I am about ours. We haven't decided to (no need yet) replace any, but mine are probably on that abilities to clean appropriately are middle of the road at best and honestly, we've been using disposables for quite a while now. Whenever I hear of other mom's being diligent in their clothe diapering makes me feel motivated to make use of ours again...Good luck with the new ones!! are you doing the same brand or switching? :)


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