Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nail polish and talking and walking...Oh My!

It's been quite the re-entry week back here at the Vaagenes'. Getting home 2 hours later than expected from my three day weekend of fun and freedom set the tone for the days to come. Louise spiked a fever that night and while Ainsley was happy to see me she's been testing boundaries like CRAZY perhaps to re-establish things now that I'm home. To top it all off it rained ALL day yesterday adding stir crazy to the list of ailments we were all experiencing. Wowaz.

But today's been good. Louise woke up happy and fever free and Ainsley has been sweet and funny. She was SO excited to get some new sparkle nail polish at the store today so I indulged her craving for pizazz and painted away when we got home. She's been primping and preening around the house ever since.

I've been re-learning this whole baby on the verge of walking thing. Ainsley did everything on her own. There was no holding her hands or prompting her for steps (well there was the beer we'd tease her with at first I guess). With Louise it's been the exact opposite. Just shy of 6 months I thought "hey, she's big enough to try sitting up" so I sat her up and there she was. Crawling happened on her own but we've definitely had to encourage up on all fours. Now that she's "compelled" to move I tightened up Ainsley's old walker and she's starting to take tentative steps, even letting go and balancing for whole chunks of time then sitting deliberately when she's had enough. It's crazy! I love both of their stages.

Ainsley conitues to chatter away, ALL DAY LONG. She is so curious and resourceful. Now that her speech has fully caught up with her mobility I live in a constant state of survival mode. For example, yesterday while explaining to me "mama, it's pretty cold in here, I'm gonna turn the a/c on just a little bit" she dragged over a full sized wooden dining room chair and was proceeded to scale it to reach the thermostat. When that wasn't tall enough she balanced her little wooden chair on top of that! Same thing has happened in her bedroom. She now uses her dollhouse and doorknob to reach her main light switch so that she can "play a little more mama, Ainsley May not so sleepy yet" before bed and naptime. Short of taking everything out of her bedroom I'm not quite sure what to do. She always has a plan and a plan for her backup plans. I figure she's going to do it either way and at least we can find a semi-safe solution together. Goodness I need to get that child in gymnastics.

It's sunny out today and I'm hoping the backyard dries out enough so we can play this afternoon. I'm thankful for healthy girls and a clean house and sun! AND wishing Ian luck today with a big talk he's giving. Happy Thursday!

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