Friday, April 8, 2011

So Dang Easy

I know that I am at risk of prematurely spoiling this amazing gift of a weekend, but Louise went to bed at 6:30 and I don't know what else to do with myself.

This morning we errand-ed. Louise sat happily in her front facing sling position and charmed the pants off of everyone we encountered as per usual. I got Easter stuff, I browsed and meandered isles, I got TWO whole naps to myself for uber productivity and ended the day with my little love bug and a bath. Could life get any sweeter?

When Ian called me Thursday morning for the "heads up" that he was thinking about taking Ainsley to MN for the weekend to visit his newly recovering father (so thankful that prayers were answered and Dan is on the mend) I had two paths to choose. My typical freak-out-about-last-minute-HUGE-change-of-plans-and-PANIC or pack the bags just in case and relish in the hope of a quiet weekend with Louise. While I did tear up when Ian pulled out with my #1 gal I straightened my shoulders, took a big breath and man it's been great.

I've often thought "if I knew then what I knew now" and now I get to actually do it, not to mention Louise is 10 times calmer than Ainsley was at this age (can we just mention that Ainsley was speed crawling and pulling herself to stand at 7 months old...thank you Louise, again and again). It's amazing how easy it is to be a mom of one for a change. Seriously, everything is SO EASY. (Not to knock those moms-of-one out there, I was there and it WAS NOT easy). But now I know things. I'm calmer. I've got it down and it's good.

And aside from all the crazy freedom I've been allotted the past 24 hours, I LOVE having so much one on one time with Louise. After our busy morning I fed her and put her down for nap #2. When she woke up smiling and giggling and ready to play I didn't have to plunk her in her play center or the sling so that I could tend to Ainsley. I got to play with my baby. We giggled and kissed (she gives kisses now! and reaches for me too!!) and laughed. She LOVES to empty out containers one by one so I spent most of the afternoon filling and refilling receptacles for my nimble fingered gal and watching her concentration and delight as she emptied them every time.

Photo taken with my ipod touch

The transition from new little love bug to big baby girl seemed to happen overnight. Louise is now in that stage where you lay her down in one place and she's across the room by the time you turn your back. No crawling (thank the Lord) but scooting and stretching and rolling rolling rolling. She'll often lunge for things while sitting up sacrificing herself to get the desired object. She loves to be tickled and moderately frightened and if you make eye contact with her she'll flash her big (now toothy) grin.

I was looking back at posts the other night and realized that I write mostly about Ainsley. I love that girl but man does she take up my energy and mental space. It's been wonderful to focus fully on my dumpling, while always thinking of Ainsley and her dad having a blast in MN of course. It's weird not having us all together saying good morning and goodnight to Ainsley via facetime, but truth be told it's been a welcome break.

Tomorrow I'm thinking lunch out and a little more browsing, just because I can and it's SO DANG EASY!

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