Wednesday, February 22, 2012

THIS Moment (January 2012)

Ainsley May (3 years old)

Oh Ainsley, you continue to say the darndest things all day long.  I've had to work real hard at my straight face to keep from cracking up!

Just now I went to go check on you during nap time and you were in your leotard and tights twirling around your room with your new favorite penguin toy, who was also decked out in a pink fairy dress.  "Look mama!  See how beautiful my penguin is?  It fits her and she's so pretty and we're going to twirl and twirl and twirl."

The other day you woke up from nap with your usual bright eyes and hurried mind and were simply exploding with joy over an idea you must have conjured in your sleep "Oh mama, I have a great idea!  Lets go get on our jackets and socks and boots and mittens and hats and go outside and bring that popcorn thing that Nana gave us and the bird house where the bird lives and hang it up and look at it and smile because it's SO pretty!"  You have the best ideas Ainsley girl.

You sing and dance to everything.  Even your dad has suggested that we need to put you in dance classes because it's all you want to do!  You love to run around in your new leotard, tights, and ballet slippers twirling and leaping and jumping.  You are so happy when you're moving.

You have also started to read!  You read your first word at the park the other day "N-O.  Hmm.  N-O. NnnnnO. No! NO mama!  That sign says NO!"  You have loved finding letters that you know on signs and in books for quite a while now and are just getting interested in putting the sounds together.    We are so proud of your zeal to learn and read.  It's one of your daddy's and my favorites too!

Playing pretend is still your favorite activity (aside from dancing and singing of course).  You got lots of new wonderful imaginative toys for your birthday and Christmas and have loved putting them all to use.  One of your new favorites are some story cards that santa gave you.  We sit on the floor and you chose a card to start a story and then keep picking up cards to add on to your tale.  You are such a good story teller Ainsley May!

I love you THIS moment.  Fully a preschooler, ready to learn and play and thrive.  Happy to be active and snuggly and with your family who loves you to bits!

Louise Adele (16 months)

You are on the move Louise!  You started walking for REAL just shy of 15 months.  You'd been practicing for months and once you knew you could you took off!  Just like we knew you would.  Now you dance and spin and climb and "jump", march and waddle.  You love to show off your tricks to new friends, or even to mama and daddy if we ask.  Today I took you and your sister to the conservatory and you two ran circles around me!  She went one way and you went the other, squealing and giggling in delight of your independence.  I kind of love it too.

You continue to chatter and talk away.  The other day I tried to count up all the words you say and I just can't!  You parrot a lot of what we say and can repeat most one syllable words.  We rarely have trouble communicating between the various signs and words you know.  You'll even tell me when you're tired now and are a big enough girl to know when you've had enough.  The most notable new words/ phrases are "move it!" "camera!" "bye guys!" "up peez!"

You and your sister LOVE each other and spend most of the day playing and making mischief together. Now that we're indoors for much of the day we're finding new fun games to play.  Obstacle courses, playing in the play kitchen, stacking and knocking down blocks, and your new wooden train are your favorite indoor activities.  You also love to sing and dance. Must be something in your genes :o)

 I love you THIS moment.  Funny and sweet, charismatic and moving.  We are all eating up this adorable age you're at Louise!  Your family loves you SO much!

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