Friday, February 3, 2012


Like a lot of people out there I stumbled across this post a bit back, and it kind of changed my life.  Aside from the fact that Glennon's writing is amazing, articulate, and frank her idea of kairos moment's really stuck with me.  

Kairos is God’s time. It’s time outside of time. It’s metaphysical time. Kairos is those magical moments in which time stands still. I have a few of those moments each day, and I cherish them.

Those moments, those kairos moments are what makes it all worth it.  It was nice to have a written reminder that it's ok to live for those little, amazing, precious moments sometimes. 

Thing is, these moments aren't just with my girls,  they're with life.  Moments of utter clarity and peace, moments where it all makes sense, moments of joy and happiness and purpose.  Lately?  I've had a whole lot of those moments.

Yesterday on a thrift store run with Louise I stumbled across this: a beautiful golden colored wool satin edged blanket, tied lovingly with a ribbon with this note attached.

It may seem silly that a find like this affected me so much, but it did.  This is why I love vintage things, thrifted things, old things.  They have a story behind them, a history.  This blanket was used for years with love and now I'll get to make something amazing out of it and every time I look at it I'll think of that note, and the previous owner, and I'll have a little kairos moment.

Finding that note (and all the other great fabrics, notions and pillowcases-soon-to-be-summer-nightgowns) put a spring in my step.

Rather than rush around at the end of the morning we meandered at the library, snuggling, searching for gems, reading and romping.  I had so many moments there.

One moment I looked at Ainsley from across the room, book in lap, studious wide eyes locked.  I took a moment to watch her, really see her, and I felt so proud.  One moment I looked at Louise, toddling away from me to wave to yet another friend.  Rather than run to catch her I sat and watched her beaming smile and carefree trot and I felt so blessed.

When it was time to depart we walked hand in hand to the car, no carrying, no hurrying.  Now we walk everywhere hand in hand and if I can find the peace to move at their pace it's always a special moment.

That afternoon I made Ainsley a sleeping bag for her new tent, her miraculous sleeping tent.  This is what comes of taking the momentum from a little moment, giving ourselves time to go with the flow, and of course a little thrift store savvy and luck.

Another bit of serendipity?  Unfolding my new fabric finds and discovering 4 perfectly cut flannel pant pieces, EXACLTY Ainsley's size.  After finishing the sleeping bag I had just enough time last night to sew them together, add some elastic and hem the legs.  Ainsley slept in her new sleeping bag with her new pants and I beamed at my big grateful girl and our serendipitous day.

This morning we all awoke rested.  Ainsley bounded into bed with Ian and I for a rare morning family snuggle.  Ian cradled us two girls and I was tempted to wake Louise to join us.  What a beautiful moment.

Then just now, putting the girls down for naps.  We snuggled on our big comfy chair, Ainsley nuzzled her head into my chest, Louise too, and we read.  Rather than focus on the story I gazed at my girls, played with Louise's sweet baby curls and welcomed Ainsley's many curious questions.  I loved that moment too.

Today has been filled with these moments.  The sweet old man in the grocery store line, flirting and playing with my girls, the ridiculously adorable old ladies at the economy shop, entertaining sweet Louise while I scoured for a long zipper, the kindness of strangers, the sounds of children, spring birds chirping early, indoor tulips blooming.

When I take the time to notice the little things, life flows more freely, clings more dearly and feels full and good.  Here's to little moments, serendipitous finds and the time to take it all in.

1 comment:

i LOOOOOVE comments. Seriously. They make my lonely stay at home mama day.