Friday, November 16, 2012

Too Good

Last night after dinner the girls were playing doctor (as per usual of late).  It was time for their bath and Dr. Ainsley was reluctant to pause their play.  So I told her she could bring her stethoscope into the tub.  Oh boy, what a fun bath that was.

A:: Ok Louise, I need to check your intestines.  Oh good.  They're digesting well.  Ok, now I need to hear your heat.  Bump bump.  Oh good.  Now I need to listen to your lungs.  Oh, you're breathing, that's good too.  Ok Louise, now I really need to look at your nipples.

L:: Elbows? Hee ya go Aisee! (folds arms up to proudly display her chubby little elbows.)

A:: No Louise, NIPPLES! (presses both of her pointers on Louise's nipples)

L:: Oh! Hahaha! NEEPOLES! (presses both of her own pointers on her nipples)

A:: yes Louise, NIPPLES!  Ok, those look good too.

Later when I told Ian this adorable story he remarked "Man, people without kids sure miss out on a whole lot of hilarious stuff."  Well that's why I write about it silly boy.  Sometimes it's just too good not to share.

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