Friday, October 12, 2012

THIS Moment

Louise Adele - 2 years old

Oh my sweet Louise, how to begin?  

Less than 2 months ago you turned 2 years old.  I still don't know how this can be.  You still feel like my baby, yet act like such a big helpful girl.  You surely are growing each and every moment, right before my eyes.

You started school just this fall and I still cannot get over how smoothly your transition has gone.  After two sad drop offs you now beg for school, sad when a Monday or Wednesday rolls around and you have to hang out with ole mom in the morning instead of your friends and beloved teachers "no payschoo mama?  oh no!".  Everyone in your class knows your name and just the other day your teacher made a point in letting me know what a delightful little girl you are.  That you play so well with the other children  can often be found rubbing them on their backs while you play together, and at some point every day find yourself snuggled up in a bean bag chair with a book, reading aloud to yourself.

While it was wonderful to hear from another adult how wonderful you are I can't say that I'm surprised   I think you're pretty delightful too.

You continue to amaze me every day.  You now insist on dressing yourself, can put on your own socks and shoes in the morning before leaving for school.  You pee in the potty at least once a day, more if I'm on my game and ask you often.  You are such a determined little artist and those tidy little marks you've been making for ages look more and more like real creations every day.  You are so willing to try anything I throw at you.  I love how eager you are.

I have also so loved our few mornings alone a week.  We bake and play, read and sing.  Sometimes we just walk up and down our block talking and holding hands. Taking you to music class is such a joy.  You sing so loud and proud and many mornings we wake up to the tune of your singing the good morning sing at the top of your lungs.

Ah, I love my girl.

And now my sweet thing YOU are going to be a big sister too!  You are so excited about the new baby and I just can't imagine a better big sister for this little one.  I am making sure to shower you with sweet dumpling kisses while you are still my littlest, though I know somehow in my heart you will always be my sweet baby.  

Watching you grow and learn is such a joy.  I love you THIS moment, sweet as ever, smart and happy.  I am so excited to be your mom.

Ainsley May - ALMOST 4

My big Ainsley girl.  We have had quite the start to fall.  We ended the summer on such a happy note.  You LOVED all our trips to Minnesota and still talk about wanting to go back to the cabin just about every day.  You were so excited to start preschool and meet new friends.

You helped your sister transition to school so well.  I was so very proud of you.

Then it was your turn!  You LOVE school.  We are still trying to figure out drop offs.  I can be a little tricky to get you out the door in the mornings and pry you off my leg once we make it to your classroom, but I'm always greeted with a big smile at the end of the day and lots of stories about all the fun you had with your teachers and your new friends.

You got your first big girl hair cut and had such fun at a real hair salon. You still look so old to me with those straight bangs and short crop, but I love being able to see those big brown eyes all the time.  You have the best eyes Ainsley girl.

This fall a few new challenges have found us.  Some new worries about leaving mama, and some fears of new places and things.  This all feels a bit new to me because you've always been so eager and willing.  But it's brought about some great talks and some wonderful problem solving.  I am simply astounded with your ability to articulate yourself.  To let us know what you need and for us to find a solution together.  I am so proud of you big girl and know we'll soon find answers to all the worries.

You love to be a helper, but still have your own strong ideas about HOW to help :o).  I love how independent you are, your strong will and clear voice.  I've never had to guess who you are big girl.  You've let us know right from the start.

You find such joy in life Ainsley girl.  In sharing a fun morning out with you family (and lamby too of course), in creating something of your making, whether it's baking or cooking, drawing a new plan for your bedroom and rearranging with daddy.  You are so incredibly creative and it's all I can do to keep up with your energy and zeal for life.

For all your activity I find that you are starting to slow down more and more (in some moments at least) to really work on something hard.  You can often be found in your room, pencil in hand, writing out a long story about a mysterious princess and a mermaid, or making up lyrics to a new song.  You always have a grand plan, and the execution and follow through to make it happen.  We are proud of your ingenuity and drive.  You are such a special kid.

Your smile lights up my world Ainsley May.  I love you THIS moment. Sensitive and sweet, caring and cantankerous.  I would not have you any other way.

I'm one lucky mama to have two such wonderful girls.  Just imagine when there's three little Vaagenes' running around :o)

1 comment:

i LOOOOOVE comments. Seriously. They make my lonely stay at home mama day.