Monday, October 1, 2012

Meal Plan 10-1-12

Ah the joy of fall cooking.  I have so many half casseroles and soups frozen that I hardly needed to think about food for this week.  It was glorious.  I'm trying something new where I'm just planning for the weekdays, because the WEEKENDS always tend to bring some specific cravings/requests from the family.  Now, unplanned and unpaid for, I feel more free to indulge us all.  I'm excited!

Three Sisters Marshmallow Oaties (pretty much lucky charms, only better :o)
Oatmeal with sweetmilk and raisins
scrambled eggs

PB&J or egg salad on homemade bread (I've rekindled my love of breadbaking with this beautiful cool weather)
Grilled cheese and creamy tomato soup

Potato Leek Soup with Pumpkin Bread (I roasted my own pumpkin for the first time this weekend!)
Sausage, Sweet Potato and Apple Bake (possible with pancakes? mmmm)
Stuffed Baked Tomatoes (with quinoa, goat cheese, and fennel)
Nana's Casserole (delicious ground beef and rice and veggies)
PWs tomtato cream sauce pasta and romaine salad...the BEST pasta sauce

This weekend I'm thinking Salmon one night this weekend and some kind of slow cooked meat the other, pork shoulder? a  big roast to feed off of for all of next week?  The possibilites are endless.

Grand total so far:: $90, including farmer's market goodies this weekend, which leaves about $30 for weekend dinner eating (because we went out for Indian on Sunday...yum!)

Happy eating!

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