Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beat the Heat

I know it's going to be a good day when I get the dishwasher unloaded before breakfast. This indicates motivation, determination, and a plan brewing in the recesses of my pre-caffienated brain.

Since declaring a need to shake things up a bit in our day to day, mend the problem areas, life has been easier and good. After a lazy Saturday our Sunday was filled to the brim with adventure and fun. We berry picked out in the country, buffetted on Indian goodness, sipped hot coffee with college friends and watched their cute puppy romp around with the girls. We rounded out the activity with a pre dinner jaunt to the pool (when and if we ever move from this house I am SO going to miss having an amazing park and pool one block away). I didn't clean, cook, or launder at all that day. It was amazing.

Berry Picking

Yesterday was equally productive, but necessarily so. The return of Louise's long morning nap coupled with Ainsley's contentment to play with her dolls alone gave me enough time to scour and scrub and organize. Starting the week with a full fridge and pantry and a clean house puts a spring in my step.

Then the heat started to climb and the time outdoors dwindled. It's almost cruel to have the sun shining so bright, the birds chirping and the flowers blooming, only to be confined to an air conditioned space for most of the day.

::Ainsley entertaining herself with her dolly and new keen boots::

This morning I opted to try and beat the heat by getting the girls out early. We spooned our yogurt fast and put on our lightest duds to make it to the park before the sun scorched it. Sadly Ainsley fell from the big swing for the first time, knocking the wind out of her and biting hard on her tongue. She was quite shaken, a rarity for my little daredevil and we were forced home earlier than I had planned. Of course we revamped, a bonefied skill of mine now, and Ainsley helped me start the sewing projects I need to complete for upcoming showers. She loves the sewing machine, the fabric and scissors. She especially loves when the end product is a new outfit for her. No such luck today!

::escaping the heat in our cool basement with silly dress up time::

Then Ainsley requested fruit snacks, and as I had a coupon I indulged her. We went from air conditioned house, to air conditioned car, to air conditiond Costco and back again. The girls LOVE Costco, probably for the free samples, double seats in the carts and the fact that I always cave and buy them something for their wardrobes (today it was organic cotton PJ's...you can never have enough PJ's!).

After a yummy lunch and lots of books the girls have been down for a while. While I love a good rainy day nap, sticky hot outside cool in the a/c summer naps can be just as good.

::Louise's new carseat, she's pretty much in love::

Today I am thankful for motivation. For an out of the blue call from a mama friend who wants to give us lots of fun new toys (what perfect timing with us all stuck indoors for a while!) For central air in this creaky old house and a cool hose, pool, and sprinkler in the back yard. I am thankful for my adorable girls and their companionship and for lots of fun together time until this heat breaks.

Happy Tuesday!

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