This week I have totally been wallowing in my first world problems. Ian getting sick on Sunday so I was solo parent for 12 hours exhausting me before the week even began? First world problem. Home maintenance costs, stressful preschool decisions coming up, the pinch of financing christmas and birthday and oh my goodness my girls don't fit into ANY of their clothes purchases? Major first world problem. Where we'll be a year from now, or three. Where Ian's career will take us and what that will mean, even though we KNOW whatever it is it'll be great? Complete and total first world problem.
In the wake of a day and season dedicated solely to thankfulness and gratitude I feel a bit silly and trite for my worries. Really? I am lucky to have them.
Yet, I know that we are all allowed to wallow sometimes, to worry much and unnecessarily and throw a little pity party every now and again. This IS a tough job that we have as parents, staying at home, responsible for the kids, the home, and all that well being and happiness in between. As long as I remember that it's a privileged to have these problems and cut the whine to a minumun, I think I'm allowed.
Today I'm thankful for my first world problems, allowing myself 5 minutes of complete stress and wallowing, then getting over it because I'm so darn lucky.
Thanksgiving!!! I told you I'd get you some photos. I of course got none of the girls all cute and dressed up and NONE of the whole beautiful roasted turkey, but you'll get the gist. Auntie Sonya came over in the morning while Ruth and Dan were en route from St Paul. We cooked and played with Louise while Ian and Ainsley marveled at the parade downtown. Upon everyone's arrival later in the day we played and relaxed while I nervously basted and checked the turkey. It all worked out so well, one oven and all.
::turkey with brine in bag, I never thought a raw turkey could be so pretty::
::stuffed and ready for the oven::
::the table, the plates, the wine::
::post turkey piano playing::
::post turkey sound of music viewing::
::the only shot I got of Ainsley in her little vintage dress...
SOOOO cute, so glad she'll finally wear it::
::have I mentioned my girls like the sound of music? exhibit 497::
::trying out the new face paint nana and grandpa dan brought,
can you tell who did who's?::
::Ainsley lovin' on Grandpa Dan and his guitar::
::Nana enticing Louise::
::I promise our basement paint is not as electric as this photo suggests::
::Ainsley thought her dress was too plain::
::the whole gaggle, minus Auntie Sonya::
::the buffet::
::mid diaper change walkin Louise::
Christmas time is here, and each year with kids it gets better and better. I find some of my own enthusiasm transferring to their little bodies. If I thought Ainsley got it last year? Boy she could write the book this year. She is all about that tree and the precision hanging on the ornaments and watering the tree, making sure the branches are dipped in water and well fed. Louise gets that it's magical and fun. Every morning when I plug the lights in her face beams and her fingers point "Chri-me!!!" I've left only the plushest of plush ornaments within her eager reach. Oh the joys of this season have only begun.
In an effort to focus on the moment and not all that planning that goes into the moment we're being sporadic with our holiday crafting. I'm letting Ainsley lead the way and it's working well. On Monday we picked up a gingerbraed house at Trader Joe's. I LOVE their gingerbread house. It's the perfect size for a toddler project, comes with enough candy to do adequate damage and is $8. Love it. So does Ainsley.
::she's not so discrete is she? who am I kidding, I totally let this happen, I mean it's a gingerbread house isn't it?
There's also a good chomp out of one of the roof pieces. That's my girl::
Ainsley was also very keen on making a snowman so I got out all the papers, scissors and glue, set it all up and then Louise woke up from her nap. I attempted to work with her on my lap which was of course a disaster. Then Ainsley decided she really just wanted to make a dot picture instead. I got to make my snoman in the end and Ainsley was very please with her dots and glue marks. So I guess a success??
I'm looking forward to all of the crafting to come.
In the wake of Thanksgiving cooking overload I'm not quite ready to break out the Christmas cookie tins, but these new mini banana muffins (perfect for breakfasts and snacks alike for little ones) have found their way in to my recipe box. Mmmmm banana.
We're finding our new winter groove. Afternoons at the park, or riding bikes outside have been swiftly replaced by quiet mornings in the library or conservatory. When we need a bit of brisk movement we turn on a pumpin' song to dance the jiggles out or move on to the basement where I push Ainsley hard and fast on the new swing while Louise jumps on the trampoline. It's a great new groove we're in.
::of course we still take advantage of the sun when it chooses to show itself::
::snacking in a pile of laundry, because when in doubt?
make a big ole pile of something, keeps them happy forever::
::I love this photo, I snuck up on them early this morning, just doing their thing. Louise in her emptied basket, Ainsley reading to her...ahh, my girls::
::then of course Ainsley saw me and had to get IN the basket too::
::a little oatmeal love on a Wednesday morning,
she works that spoon this one does::
::smiles all around::
See? I told you I had photos. Happy hump day out there!