Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hump Day Nuggets: Balance

Our week has slowly improved since last Thursday's terror. The weather has been almost TOO nice (can it ever be too nice?) forcing us to motivate and take advantage, knowing what's right around the corner. The girls have been fighting their first colds of the season and I've felt a bit in a slump since the big breakdown day last week. It's been tough for me to rally, feel 100% invested in the moment, a bit jaded if you will. We're working on it, it's getting there, we're having fun in lieu of it all.

Perhaps this week has felt "off" because of missed classes and activities. Ainsley's hack has kept us at bay instead of thick in the action. She napped for a solid 2 hours yesterday MORNING, alluding to how deep the ick must have been settled in her little frame. She woke energized and sassy, my little girl was back. Now today Louise seems off, cutting two new bottom teeth, frustrated with life in that new toddler way of hers.

Ah my growing up Louise. I feel myself holding her longer when she'll let me, drinking in the last of that sweet baby smell in the pudge of her neck. I see her shedding her babyness a little more everyday. Ainsley just threw hers out the back window scorching 90 down the highway, but Louise, she's slower to adjust, letting us all savor the sweet dumpling she's been and at the same time transition into the opinionated mobile big toddler girl she's becoming. To me, it's a bit like wading into the ocean. While I'd really rather leap sometimes and get it all over at once, I'm thankful for a girl that lets me feel each change, notice each difference. She slows life down a bit for us all and for that I am just about always grateful.

:always having fun with Auntie Sonya, the girls love her SO much it's ridiculous:

When Sonya and I were getting ready for a date last weekend Ainsley was in a panic. I thought she was sad that I was leaving but then she exclaimed "Mama, mama, wait (hand up physically holding me off)...So I have an idea. You put your coat on with daddy and go to the restaurant and eat and talk and have fun. Aunte Sonya can stay here and babysit Ainsley May!" Ahhh, I get it.


This morning we went to Costco. We were out of a few things, needed to fill up the tank, and it seemed like a good way to "kill" the last hour of the morning. The girls LOVE Costco. There's something about those two sitting shoulder to shoulder in a big old Costco cart that gets me (and them) every time. Ainsley loves to pick out some fun goodie for Ian (and by extension her). We peruse the fleece jammie selection, sample niblets and stock up on paper products. On the way home we rolled the windows down, kept the radio off and let this last hot early fall day seep into our skin. At a particularly LONG stoplight Louise and Ainsley began singing in unison. It was a made up babble song, a tune I've never heard, but there they were giggling and harmonizing as only two little stuck together like glue sisters could. Then Louise chimed in "habbbe, baabbbeeeee, habbeee, babbeeee!" over and over. Before I could acknowledge it Ainsley turned, BEAMING and clapped "Yaweez! You're talking!" Are you a happy baby Louise?! You're so cute! You're TALKING!!!" She is indeed talking, a little more each day so that we can understand. It's the most fun ever and Ainsley is clearly a big huge fan of communication with her sweet dumpling sister.

::daddy daughter snuggle time, all the time::


Ainsley's sleep is about a million percent better. The struggles we face now are normal, not catastrophic and mind boggling. The change is due in part to our new no nonsense policy, me accepting that naps won't always happen, and keeping her door CLOSED. Ahh, the beauty of a well rested house once again.

Of course we still have our issues, like when her "quiet time" gets out of hand and she wakes Louise up because she was "riding a horsey to the county fair with Jill. It got a little loud. Sorry mama!" But really, how can I be mad about that creative adorable use of her alone time?

::on the way to the library to return a load of books, watched a booming looming DARK rain cloud rush towards us and ended up running with a wagon all the way home, the girls thought it was the coolest thing ever::


I continue to struggle with the whole balance thing. I've felt so flat the last few nights, perpetually disappointed with how little I am able to accomplish in a day. I have some big ideas for the holidays coming up and after a trip to a local thrifting gem tomorrow I'm hoping to get all the supplies I need to charge ahead. I just so want that balance between feeling rested and getting more than just laundry and dishes done in a day. Maybe when the girls are in school full time? haha, at least that's when I hear I may finally get a moment!


We went to the arboretum again this past weekend to enjoy the gorgeous weather. We donned light sweaters and smiles and Aunite Sonya got some cute shots of us as a family. I'm saving the best one in case it ends up being our christmas card photo. I'm heading back to the arb with the girls later this week. I could become addicted to that place. It is amazing.

So fall rolls along and I feel along for the ride this week. A bit confused by the warm weather, but so thankful for the sun and the girls feeling better. Today we're enjoying the warmth, both inside and out, fall crafts and end of summer cooking. Tomorrow we'll enjoy the re-entry into a busy schedule, always welcomed by this mama, especially at the end of a long week.

::frito chili pies OR walkin' tacos, our new favorite game day treat::

::soaking up every last moment at our favorite park, i hope winter doesn't come too soon!::

::fall crafts in full swing::

Happy Hump Day out there!

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