Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A New Step

Today feels fresh.

Perhaps it's all the walks we've gotten in, the sun shining for the past two days, or the FINALLY vacuumed rugs and dusted table tops.

Perhaps it was the good company last night at bookclub or the fresh veggie ratatouille for dinner that reminded me of spring, summer, the farmers market and a much missed brightness.

Perhaps it's that I FINALLY set a playdate with the mysterious muskigarten mom. Our 6 month old babies were too in love with each other today to deny them a meeting any longer.

Perhaps it's the potential babysitter coming over this evening to meet the girls and get to know us.

Perhaps it's the children running outside like crazy animals basking in the snowless yards, sunny skies and 34 degree temperatures.

Perhaps it's the return of the ease of life. Lazy effortless mornings, long meandering walks, delicious simple food that just seems to appear.

Perhaps it's the rearrangement of old toys, the discovery of new places in our small house, and a rekindled love of each others company after a week when I think we all just wanted to BE ALONE.

For whatever reason and at any rate, it has been an awesome day.

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