Tuesday, January 5, 2016

In the New Year

Right this minute I should be filling out health forms to take to our new pediatrician.  I could also be sweeping the kitchen for the 400th time or starting the felt garlands I promised for the kids rooms.  There's always so much to be done, isn't there?

I've waited to be back in Minnesota for so long.  In some darker moments these past two years I felt like being home was the only thing that could help me.  Now I'm here and realizing finally, certainly, that it's always a journey.

Back to school went pretty well for the girls.  They were both reluctant to go, a bit sad when they got home, happy to go again this morning.  It's a process for us all and I'm glad we're in it together.
I miss seeing Ian in the morning.  We've had coffee together every morning since college.  I remember buying that giant chair and a half when we were newly married for the sole purpose of sitting close and drinking coffee.  I'm trying to remind myself that in place of that are many great things, like the possibility of date nights, FINALLY! and more time together as a family in the afternoons.  Still, I'll always remember fondly those weekday coffee sipping mornings.

Today Felix and I ran a few errands.  I needed to get buttons for his sweater that I finished last night.  Poor boy is so confused as to why there are all these strings hanging off of his new sweater.  I just can't finish it fast enough for him!  On a side note, it is so disorienting to be shopping in all new stores, can I just say that.  I don't know where anything is anywhere and it's so flustering to me.  I keep thinking of summer and how by then hopefully I'll have a groove down pat.  It'll happen.

After JoAnn's and TJs I vaguely remembered a Caribou around the corner and took Felix for a hot cocoa date.  We sipped and chatted and I was astounded, again, always, by how big he is.  Just swinging his legs talking to me about school and his little life, slurping on hot cocoa.  Life has felt stressful lately dealing with all this moving and setting up our life here, but moments like that carry me a long long way.

I'm always so sad when Christmas is over, perhaps this year especially.  It felt like such a cushion.  I could just focus on the holiday and Ainsley's 7th birthday and not really deal with all those horrible odds and ends of moving (I have to take the written driving test, AGAIN?!!!)  Oh I just really dislike all of that.  I'm trying to see it as another opportunity to grow and learn and focus on all the good stuff in life.  Making our house a home, being with my family, ALL of my family, reconnecting with old friends, finding a groove to keep in touch with old friends.  This is the stuff of life that matters right?  Not the endless phone calls and checks written and stress induced wake ups.  There's always so much good.

I hope the New Year finds you all well!

1 comment:

  1. We miss you here on Scoville. Things will get easier. Just be patient.


i LOOOOOVE comments. Seriously. They make my lonely stay at home mama day.