Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tids 'n Bits: Crash

Of course I've waited to the nth nap hour to get to typing. We'll see how many words I can get in before they wake!

I have a birthday post all written and am just waiting on some photos. I took NONE, literally, no real good ones. I'm super bummed and am holding out until Auntie Sonya stops by to see if she got any keepers on her iphone. Oh how thankful I am for accessible iphones so important stuff gets documented.

So yes, after baking tons of cake and cooking and decorating and celebrating we are all crashing. Well I am for sure. Ian's gotten up with the girls for the past three days so I can sleep in until he has to go for work. He pours me a cup of coffee, give me a big smooch and grin and is out the door. I love that guy. Thank you!

The weather has been perfect for crashing. Cool mornings, cloudy dry afternoons. We can do whatever. Mostly we've been walking, playing with new toys, parking it up. I've discovered that Louise LOVES to color and is pretty darn good at it for a one year old (I have to keep saying it outloud and typing it so it doens't sound so weird).

I've been getting organized for the fall, ever purging, folding, stacking and moving things around. I'm trying to get into a new groove with reading and crafting, two things I've been sorely missing. I read two WHOLE books while in MN and it felt so good to delve in again. This morning we went to the fabric store and Ainsley helped me pick out fabrics for a quilt I'm going to make for her. It'll be my first and I'm not even going to attempt it until my knitting projects are well underway. I'm excited though. We found some cute stuff!

Louise is officially standing on her own, BY her own. Up until know she would begrudging sway for a few seconds if I let go of her hands and them plop on her plush bum. But yesterday and now again this morning she'll stop mid holding hands walk, beam up a big grin and purposefully let go to stand on her own. She even clapped for herself while standing this morning! Ahhh, the excitement in this house is ridiculous. Even Ainsley gets what a big deal it is. We're pretty proud.

This is our last week of lazy summer "normal" before Ainsley starts playschool and musikgarten begins and I plan to live it to the fullest laze imaginable with them. I am really looking forward to the schedule. It will be something very new for us to have have 3 mornings a week totally booked and I know it will take a little adjusting but we'll all relish in the full days in the end.

I've been starting to research preschools for Ainsley, determined to have all of our options covered before we have to make a decision RIGHT after Christmas. I know it's anal retentive of me but I do want her to have a great experience and don't want to be left in the dust of other more on-the-ball parents. I'm feeling better as i'm realizing how many great options there are so if our first choices don't work out we'll survive. Oh how life is starting to change with these little ones.

Well no wakers yet! I best get something productive done before they do. Happy Tuesday!

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