Friday, January 11, 2013

THIS Moment

Ainsley May (4 years old!)

My big Ainsley Girl, what a new year we've had! Last month you turned 4 and for the first time it didn't feel shocking to me.  You are such a big girl in so many ways, four seems just right to me.

After a tricky start to our fall, getting used to preschool and new surroundings and people you are flourishing in your surroundings and I see your growth daily.  This was our first week back in activities after a two week break and the transition went seamlessly.  You were SO excited to go back to school, see your beloved teachers and friends and this morning at your first drop off musikgarten you couldn't have been happier.  It's simply amazing to me that three months ago you were still pulling at my leg to get me to stay, now you leave me with confidence, sometimes still saying under your breath "mama always comes back, she only leaves me where I'm well taken care of".

Your favorite at home play is still elaborate pretend with dolls, dress up and of course Louise.  You come up with the most creative stuff.  For your birthday one of the gifts on top of your list was a doll wheelchair and Grammy fulfilled your wish.  You play with it ALL The time, along with your new playmobile hospital set.  You are so intrigued by anything medical.  Now your staples at the library and princess and how your body works book.  you are currently deep into a bones book we found.  I love your varied enthusiastic interests.

You still love to make crafts and art, and just as always, have your own very specific ways that you like to do things.  For instance this morning after music class I pulled out your new watercolors for you and Louise, but rather than paint the paper you were much more intrigued with mixing colors in the water glass.  "Look mama, what a beautiful purple!"  You then proceeded to dump the water onto the watercolor paints, smear your hands all over them and finger paint with them. Ah my tactile girl.  I think we'll be making some more playdough this afternoon.

Books remain a favorite wind down activity for you and I love that your attention has grown such that we can read big long books together and discuss them when we're done.  We just got a big new batch from the library and that couple with all the wonderful books you girls received for Christmas are keeping us quite occupied   You even decided that we needed a dedicated reading corner in the living room "to just sit and enjoy all these wonderful books mama".

You are still so independent and the more you grow the less you need me.  You still love a good morning or post nap snuggle but most of the time when we're at home, you're off on your own playing so fully and well.   You are such a clever astute little kid and we are so blessed to have you as ours.

I love you THIS moment my big girl, energetic as ever, a bit nervous like mommy, sweet and kind, always fully you.

Louise Adele (28 months old, ok, 2 and a half)

My sweet Louise.  I was trying to think of an original start to this, but sweet Louise it is, for that is still exactly what you are.  I remember you as a newborn, so sweet and easy and calm.  People kept telling me to enjoy it now!  just wait until she's a toddler!  Well here we are, full on in toddlerhood and you are still the sweetest little person we could imagine.  While there are surely the sibling strifes, occasional power struggles and disagreements you are mostly such a delightful agreeable little lady.  We love you so much!

Perhaps the biggest demonstration of late of how easy you make life for us is that you're potty trained, without hardly an ado at all!  I really can't believe it still.

Mostly because you in no way showed ANY signs of being ready to be potty trained mere weeks ago.  You'd go on the potty if I asked you, but never asked on your own, and were still quiet happy to sit in a messy diaper until I caught wind (;o) that you needed a changing.  Well, one day I'd had enough.  Your sensitive skin had been reacting to something in even the most sensitive of disposables (we switched for a bit because you were soaking through all our cloth over and over again) and that was that for me.  Time for undies.

So for about 3 days I let you run around naked in the house, with diapers on outside the house.  After almost no accidents we went for it.  I think you've had two accidents since, and are not even wearing diapers at naptime or bedtime, and made it both ways in our 7 hour cartrip dry.  While I was surely the one who made the decision that it was time you are the one who did it big girl and we are so proud! (and relieved to have 3 months with no diapers before your brother or sister arrives!)

In other news, you have turned into quite the little dress up queen.  You used to be happy in whatever old outfit I'd chose for you, but not anymore!  Mostly it's dresses and tights you are drawn to, always party shoes and any accessory you can get your hands on.  We've even started conceding a bit and letting you sleep in tights with your nightgowns some nights because you feel QUITE strongly about that.  I love your little sense of style.

Your favorite activities are still anything in the arts and crafts department, but now you've added "writing" to your repertoire   You are happiest with a fresh notebook and a pen or pencil in hand just writing away.  Drawing and painting are also still two of your favorites.  You make elephants and people ALL the time.  Just this morning you made your first portrait!  A sweet round face with a big smile and one eye.  You proudly marched over to show me "Look mama!  I draw daddy!"  "Wonderful Louise!  But where's his other eye?" "Oh, it fell off".  Ah.  I love you.

Your pretend play has grown by leaps and bounds.  You haul your "little girl" (baby doll) around all the time, feeding her, dressing her, singing her to sleep.  You and Ainsley LOVE to play fairyland and dress up as butterflies and fairies with your new Christmas wings often.  You two could prance around all day.

And of course books.  You have entered the phase where you loved "reading" to us as much as you love being read to.  You turn the pages and tell the stories as you remember them, or look at the pictures and make it up as you go along.  As we spend more and more time on the couch in the afternoons (thanks to your growing baby sibling) I love this special time being read to by my two year old big girl.

You are so excited to start up music class and playschool again this week.  You jumped with delight when I told you all your favorite activities start up again soon.  You so love being with your friends, being out and active.  And I so love our special time together during the week while your sister is at school.  I can't believe next year you'll be in school 4 days a week too!  I'm cherishing every moment with my big growing girl.

I love you this moment, so sweet and ladylike, independent and eager, lovely and kind, my big two and half year old girl!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many things I love about this post :) What I can't get over is that you let louise color with sharpies! brave mama haha those are stashed away in our house haha


i LOOOOOVE comments. Seriously. They make my lonely stay at home mama day.