Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pretty pretty

What is it about a good find, an amazing deal, that simply MUST be shared?

I find that aside from talk of the weather, how one is feeling or what's on the stove for dinner, the latest deal seems to top the charts on casual conversation these days.  I'm always hearing from a mom at the park, a friend, a family member even, what their latest score is.

Perhaps it's that things cost SO much these days.  A good, truly good deal, really is something to celebrate.  When you haven't bought yourself something new, from a store, in more months than you can remember?  Well, a superb deal truly is something to write home about.  So write I shall.

Now that we're all fully well, school and activities back in full swing, I've finally been able to get some much needed things done.  The girls' room has been scoured, I just finished Ian's and my room, officially moving out everything that does't fit (a LOT of stuff) and won't for months and months, and the kitchen and living spaces are as clutter free as they'll ever be.  Next up? Well, a little errand for me.  

You see that time has come.  The time when very little fits.  The time when I'm feeling big and a bit uncomfortable, frumpy and bumbling in just about everything I own.

The errand started innocently enough.  I needed a new bra.  I was down to two that even remotely worked, none really if I was being honest with myself.  So I went to my favorite new mama boutique, Majamas on Lombard for those of you locals reading this.  It's a beautiful store, but expensive.  We used to live right down the street from there and it took great self restraint for me not to blow tons of money on beautiful clothes for me and Ainsley.  Still, it's my go to for a great bra that I know will work and last, so I put my side blinders on and beelined it for the braziers in the back.  After finding the perfect one I had a few minutes to spare on the meter before I needed to pick up Louise from school so I timidly took a look around.  Beautiful dress, EEK! $78!  Practical cute tank top, OH MY! $38!  

After confirming that I could afford nothing in the regularly priced racks I took a stab at the sales racks, not expecting much (this is one of those places where $5 off constitutes a clearance).  SAMPLE SALE, EVERYTHING $10.  Did I read that right?  Come again?  triple double check I'm not going crazy.  EVERYTHING $10.  Four racks of clothes, all size medium (their sample size), in light airy spring colors, soft as butter.  Dresses, nursing tops generous enough to encapsulate this growing belly, elegant nightgowns, tunics actually long enough to cover my legginged bum.  Pinch me.  For real.

So I did what any crazed with excitement pregnant woman would do.  I grabbed it all.  I tried on as much as I could in the 10 minutes I had and checked out with two new tops, a nightdress, and my bra of course.

I left to pick up Louise.  We played at the park.  We picked up Ainsley.  But I wasn't done, simply could not be done.  This NEVER happens at this store, not at least in the 5 years I've been frequenting it.  I simply would not be able to rest until I knew I scoured those four racks thoroughly.  So back to the store we went.

I  grabbed everything I thought would remotely work.  The girls and I headed to the dressing room and they watched intrigued as I tried it all on.  They loved the soft fabrics and gave me honest opinions about the things that didn't work so well Oh no mama, that doesn't look so good. Umm, no mommy.  I don't think so. These brutal comments were more than forgiven when they both stared wide eyed as I pulled on a blush colored ruffle top dress.  Oh mama, you look like a princess.  Yes mommy! A pwincess!  Ah my girls, I kind of felt like one.

The most fun for me was trying on things that I would never normally buy.  I'm so stingy that I only buy practical things these days, classic pieces that go with everything, nothing over the top, nothing exciting.  But these clothes?  These clothes are beautiful, and practical of course.  All of them are nursing tops.  All of them accommodate a growing belly.  All of them are cute enough to wear long after my milk dries up someday.  Ahh, these beautiful clothes.


I am surely not a fashionista.  If anything I pride myself of late on revamping old duds, repurposing and reconfiguring in lieu of buying new.  I will openly admit, these seven new articles of beautiful clothing make me feel amazing.  I can't remember a time I've felt so spoiled, so incredibly excited to get dressed tomorrow and the next day, as this body of mine continues to swell with the growth of our little one.  So excited that in a few months time I'll still be wearing these beautiful clothes, utilizing the hidden slits and panels to nurse our sweet new baby.  So excited that after that baby has grown to a toddler I'll still be wearing these clothes, cloaked in softenss and memories of this precious fleeting time of life I'm in right now, entering soon all over again.

Perhaps they are just clothes, of course they are.  But sometimes it's the little things that you think shouldn't matter, that really kind of do.  And all for $10 each.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! New clothes are especially fun when you feel like nothing seems to fit quite right. Looking good mama.


i LOOOOOVE comments. Seriously. They make my lonely stay at home mama day.