Monday, January 16, 2012

Back in the Saddle

After two solid weeks of colds we're all on the mend enough to climb back in the saddle.  It's been a long haul of NOT normal routines for this family.  Holiday and birthday prep, travel and fun, long sniffly days turning into weeks indoors, neglected chores and forgotten errands.  Now that I'm back to functioning level I'm noticing it all and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

So I'm taking a moment to breath, sit and focus on what really NEEDS to get done.  Today I'm thankful that my amazingly thoughtful and brave boy got a whole weeks worth of groceries last night with the girls in tow while I rested my pounding draining head.  I'm thankful that Louise let me get most of the thank you cards written early this morning when we awoke in sync to a quiet dark house.  I am thankful for an organized desk file and an extra day to get outgoing stuff organized thanks to MLK day.  I am thankful for perspective.  We have a birthday coupon gift from our local toy store that needs to be used asap (what local store do you know that gives $10 to kids for their birthdays?  pretty great).  I LOVE when toy shopping is a priority.  As is enjoying our health and well being, the sun and remembering a great man with beautiful dreams.  Errands, cleaning and bills will get done.  But this life of prosperity and relative ease that we have been blessed to live?  That deserves all of my focus and attention today.

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