Sunday, April 6, 2014

Old Self

Ian took the girls downtown this morning.  It's the first trip since last fall.  Finally warm enough to brave the lake Michigan winds and meandering streets with two little girls.  They were so excited that they made their own breakfast and got dressed in a hurry.  I got a reluctant Felix down for a nap and here I sit in a very quiet house.  Ah.

Last week was really really good.  We were all bummed to leave Florida, that, coupled with the biting wind when we stepped off the plane spelled re-entry trouble for me.  But it's been great.  The girls were so excited to get back to school, see their friends and teachers.  We bought tiny farmers market soaps to give as teacher gifts and they were delighted.  The girls worked hard decorating brown bags for them to give them in.  Louise's teachers were so excited to see her writing.  I find present making is a great way to motivate the unmotivated in the writing department.

another great way is to make books (cardboard covered with a bit of batting and fabric, then felt on the inside cover, hole punched paper for pages attached with ribbon) The girls worked on these all yesterday morning.  Project found in this book, one of Ainsley's favorites from the library.

The best part for me is that I'm feeling like my old self.  It's been a long long time since I could say that.  This winter was so incredibly rough.  I am so glad to see the grass and sun and buds poking through soft ground and birds flitting and chirping.  It's glorious.

new booties for Felix

dress up dress down Margot doll for our niece's birthday (you flip her skirt to change her), once my fingers recover from all the hand sewing this doll required I want to make a million more

knitted dress for Louise!
I found the pattern with my mom at a knitting store and it was meant for a 6 month old baby...happy I figured out how to make my aran weight yarn work for a big girl dress

I have been dreading Felix's first birthday since the day he was born.  We plan for him to be our last baby and it's so terribly bitter sweet to see him grown.  But then? he was a bit tricky.  Not sleeping well at all, ever, fussier than I'd like at times, just all around a bit difficult if I'm being honest.  But now he's growing.  He is so dang cute and fun to play with.  We can communicate in bits which helps us both with frustrations.  He's sleeping so much better, and in general a happy little guy.  I'm excited for my little guy to be toddling around, to learn more about him each day.  To welcome him into the fold of activities and crafts, not just observant on my hip.  It's all coming soon, and I'm happy about that.

I'm still feeling overwhelmed, but learning to compartmentalize a bit better.  I've spent the last three days organizing our house and now I'm excited for a good spring clean.  While I'd love to have a whole weekend to dedicate to that I'll have to settled for one project at a time, thankful for girls who can help more than ever this year.

I am so totally immersed in making right now, and planning for Felix's birthday.  I have gone back and forth between what I want for him,  trying so so hard to be practical all the while.  He really needs so little, and if there's one thing I've learned in this new life it's to not be wasteful, and when we do give and spend, to make it count.

I put him on my back yesterday and walked up to our shops nearby.  I went into the women's gift exchange and bought him a large adorable crotched octopus, made by the woman sitting behind the counter.  We talked knitting for a bit and I told her how thankful I was for such a great gift that I didn't have to make, she insisted I learn to's really so easy.  Perhaps someday, I replied, there's just no room in life right now for one new thing. She chuckled and smiled and remembered when her children were young and life was filled to bursting every moment.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I stop and think about women like that and how they'd give just about anything for one more day of what I have right now every minute.  It helps.

So we walked home, stopping at the resale shop and finding a new  2 cup corning ware pour pot, the new used book shop, the bakery for bread, and then headed home.

Seriously, how fun is this...

10 Minutes to Bedtime is the girls' new favorite from the library...I found it in a board book to give to Felix
Hardback copy of Amelia Bedelia
Baby born, a sweet first birthday board book
I also found two beautiful bedtime books, not pictured because they're nestled in the girls' beds already  Nicole's Boat and The Dream Child.  How I love a (or many) good book find.

We decided to splurge that night on dinner OUT at our favorite noodle shop (mmm panang curry and glass noodles, and wide egg noodles and dumplings), and ice cream for dessert.  I got the most gigantic sundae imaginable.  I'm still not entirely hungry.

Today is bright and filled with possibilities.  I'm hoping for a jogging stroller run with my boy, and of course some knitting or sewing, I haven't decided which yet.  Or perhaps I'll bite the bullet and delve further into my photo organizing (I have to catch up to when Felix was born before his first birthday, I must!!!)

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and that that snow in Minnesota is melting fast.  I'm wishing some of this 60 degree sun we're having here in Chicago on all of you!
Happy weekend!

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