My two big girls. Now both in school four mornings a week. I remember last spring being all emotional about the end of school. Half out of terror that I now had to occupy all three of my children all summer long and half because them ending a school year meant that next year they'd be one whole year older.
But I must say these first days have gone so well for us all. Ainsley clinged a bit to my skirt this morning, but still walked right in. Her sensitive calm teachers seem so good for her. I'm excited for all that this year has in store for her. And Louise? A quick lip kiss and a "bye mom!" big wave and smiles and she's off. I've heard from four separate people how hilarious she is over the past 3 days (two of the people being her teachers). Ah Louise, what a joy you are. And now it's just me and Felix these mornings. I'm so excited for my little guy to have a big morning nap in a quiet house and the time and mobility to get some things done for me...all. good. things.
As for me? There's something about the start of school that always turns a fresh page for me. An excuse to reconfigure things a bit, revamp and energize our days. I've so enjoyed our summer of laze and snuggles and fun but am definitely ready to get back to a routine and with it rekindle our love for crafts and cooking.
To start, I engaged the girls' help to make lots of babyfood for Felix. After I gave him a taste of sweet potatoes last week he's been eating one serving a day so it's good I stocked up!
My mom gave me this baby food maker as my first mother's day gift after Ainsley was born. It's amazing and makes making food so easy. So far we have apples, peaches, plums, carrots, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, and rice cereal all ready to go.
Next up was a craft inspired by a book we found at the library last week. Ian had to work late so I took the kiddos all to the library that evening and we had lots of fun purusing. This very old fall crafts book wasn't great overall, but did have a few rather brilliant ideas. First up? Pipecleaner and button trees!
While we did have brown pipe cleaners for the trunks and branches the girls insisted on using our sparkly mulitcolored ones. I pulled out our big bag of lose buttons from the thrift shop, some play dough to stand the trees in and they were off. This was a solid hour of fun for the girls, twisting and threading their trees. They now stand up in their room on the dresser, surrounded by cotton to make it look like snowy Suessian scene. It's great.
But of course among the crafts and cooking, we can't forget our favorite parks.
I've learned to take advantage while we still can!
And double of course, fresh cookies with afternoon coffee. I made Ian take the bulk of them to work today because I have no self control with oatmeal chocolate chip confections.
Just a typical Sunday scene. Louise NEVER wears jammies. Ah, that girl.
Right now I feel so good. I've been waiting for these 5 minutes (or more, please!?!) of peace all summer long. It's amazing what a difference that makes in my mood, in my motivation, in the momentum of our days. I'm excited to pick the girls up from school, hear all about the ice in the water tables and the popsicles for snack (their school sure knows how to handle a hot day!). Eat lunch together, rest a bit together, fill up that pool in the backyard this afternoon and enjoy this hot day.
Happy Tuesday friends!
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