Monday, November 5, 2012

Early Elving

My mind has been all abuzz lately.  With the calender flip to November I find myself in complete gear for the holidays.  A lot because this is my favorite time of year and a lot too because I'm going to need my A game every minute to accomplish all I hope to.

I find I agonize so much over gifts.  I am astounded at how much my direction and intention has changed even over the past few years.  I know a lot of my attention to and zeal for gift giving comes from my need to be incredibly frugal and equal desire to give gifts worth giving.  Surely with all the money in the world in my pocket I would do a lot more local shop shopping.

Still, I can't help but feel this is a particularly special Christmas season.  I am delighting so much in the making of this holiday for my loved ones.  I thought I'd take a bit of time on this space to share some of my most exciting endeavors.


I remember silently vowing when we had to girls that I wouldn't do that whole sharing gifts/same gifts thing just because they have the same gender.  But I must say, in going down my list, nearly EVERYTHING my girls will be receiving for this holiday will be the same, just tweaked a bit for their individuality.  I'm taking advantage of their desire to match and relish in their mama made things while they will.

Doll Baskets

A friend posted a photo of a doll carrier that she's made for her daughter and I was so inspired.  I'd wanted to get Louise a little moses basket for her elephant but couldn't really find one I liked.  It had never occurred to me that I could make one!  The fabric is bought and a pattern was found. I'm so in love with this beautiful carrier that Louise won't be the only one enjoying one Christmas morning.

Dress Up Duds

My girls are still so into dress up, but I wanted to extend their collection from the basic fairy/princess costume bin a bit.  I've been keeping my eye out for fun vintage finds at thrift shops and found some real gems (velvet gloves, lace petticoats, bonnets and princess hats).

In addition to the found items I am excited to make them each a hooded cloak for all the little red riding hood play they love so much.  This pattern should work nicely with the thick burgundy flannel I found on extra sale this summer.

Along with the new dress up items I hope to include our two new favorite fairy tale books.  Both of the girls continue to be so into fairy tales and princesses and I've been trying my best to find that perfect balance between authenticity, imagination and beauty.  This version of Cinderella is the most beautifully illustrated version I've found and the story is told so beautifully, with such a focus on what a good person both Cinderella and the Prince are.  This version of Little Red Riding Hood does not sugarcoat the classic story but manages to not be frightening either and the illustrations are beautiful.  The girls will be so excited to finally own two of our new favorite library finds!

I would also love to motivate to make a set of silk wings for both of the girls (with silk scarves from dharma trading co, or better yet? underused playsilks of our own).  These would help fill up those gargantuan stockings nicely!

Dollhouse etc.

I kind of stumbled across this after looking YET AGAIN for an affordable simple sturdy wooden dollhouse on ebay, etsy and craigslist.  Not expecting much after months of nothing I was DELIGHTED to find exactly what I was looking for right in our budget, FINALLY!  Now how to furnish it?  Even the most inexpensive furniture sets are too much and while I'm all for the creativity of making items with the girls I really want at least the basics covered Christmas morning so they can play right away.  Solution?  A small woodshop in Main makes perfectly sized wooden pieces that I am confident I can wood glue and paint away with the make the perfect little furniture.  But truthfully if I can find a way to fit it in the budget I would love this set for them.  How adorable!

Matching Dresses

Ainsley has been asking for a matching Ainsley/Lamby dress for ages and I decided that Christmas was the perfect time to grant her wish.  A quick pinterest search unearthed this beautiful dress and i'm confident I can make a similar simple Lamby dress out of the same fabric.  Of course I'll be making on for Louise and Ellie too, in fabric so well suited for them.

And in the store bought category we have...


I purchased a new memory game for Louise on zulily a few weeks back.  We have one from Ainsley a few years ago and of course about half the cards are missing.  But the girls LOVE memory and this one looks wonderful.

And because my biggest girl is so VERY into games I thought a new one to spark her interest was important.  I'm still deciding between this one and this one.  So many great ones out there.

This was another zulily find for Ainsley.  I have been wanting a cash register for her for ages and think she's finally old enough to really enjoy one.  She has this same one at her preschool and I think it will be wonderful for fostering her love of "shop" play and interest in money.

As another birthday treat for Ainsley Ian found this amazing puzzle at our local toy shop.  Ainsley is SO into the body, how it works, all of it's parts, and of course puzzles.  How perfect! (we got the girl version, but this photo was better)

Other Gifts

There is of course LOTS of other elving going on.  Big orders of fabric and supplies being made, sewing and knitting, printmaking and stamping.  I am so excited about it all and can't wait to share once the gifts have been given.  It's really amazing all that can be done with a little motivation, lots of planning and love.  

Happy Elving season.  I do believe it's my favorite!


  1. Wow!! Lots of good ideas and it looks like the girls will LOVE them all! I'm not as crafty as you but also working on some homemade stuff this year. I love hearing other Christmas-on-a-budget ideas!

  2. So... The cape looks awesome. How hard would it be for Adrian to learn how to sew, assuming he has NO prior experience with needle and thread. :)

  3. If I have enough fabric I can definitely make one for Maewynn for Christmas...does this mean Adrian's getting a sewing machine as one of his gifts? :o)

  4. Thank you for the fun and informative post and for the links for further information! I'm really inspired by your making your own solutions.

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i LOOOOOVE comments. Seriously. They make my lonely stay at home mama day.