Tuesday, November 1, 2011

THIS Moment

Ainsley May (34 months)

Hilarious as usual...

"Oh no Yaweez! Don't drink the bath water! I just peed in there!"

In response to Daddy grabbing one of his many math books on the way out the door to work
You - "Daddy, when you come home can we play calculus? I YUV calculus"
Daddy - "Haha, sure Ainsley. You're in for a BIG surpise!"

Chatting to yourself in the bathroom
"Sometimes when you eat too much dessert you get diarrhea sometimes, but just sometimes."

It's still amazing to me that we went from being able to count the words that you could say a mere year ago to NOW, chatter chatter full paragraph stories all day long. You just TALK, like a big kid, like an adult even sometimes. The other day I was asking you what you wanted for lunch and you responded "I want one of a kind mommy...that means unique!" Um, yes it does Ainsley girl, how in the HECK do you know that?!? (Ian later informed me that it was in a Mr Rogers song...of COURSE it was)

::you were the happiest penguin on the block this Halloween::

Creative and fun...

All you want to do is cut cut cut, whether with scissors and play dough or paper, pumpkin knives and veggies, fabric, leaves. You are focused and precise and ALWAYS have an elaborate plan forming in your quick little brain.

You could spend all day playing pretend with your lamby, babies, and dolls. Dressing up and down, being miss Amy at musik class, playing doctor and giving countless kisses for owies and shots. Your imagination is abundant and endless.

You now insist on reading US books at bedtime. Whether you have the words memorized, or just look at the illustrations and make up your own version, you tell full elaborate stories. You inquire about the stories and the pictures ("why'd the artist do that mama?"). I just love your excitement for learning. Your daddy and I are so proud of you.

Active jumpy dance...

You could spend all day dancing and choreographing, climbing and hanging and leaping. You have very specific requests when it comes to song choices and movement, and I love your specificity and zeal. As we fast approach the long winter months I am scrambling to find ways to keep your able busy body moving. (Don't worry my sweet pumpkin pie, I have some tricks up my sleeve!)

I love you right now in THIS moment. Chatty and curious, strong and sweet.


Louise Adele (14 months)

Inquisitive and Calm...

You point and ask "Wha da?" all day long. You smile and nod in recognition of my explanations. (and like to ask the same "wha da"'s OVER and OVER in typical toddler fashion...you're learning!) You give kisses and hugs and snuggles freely, yet claim your independent space when you want it.

When you've been quiet for a few minutes and I wonder what you are up to you are most likely surrounded by a pile of books, pointing at pictures, telling the story to yourself out loud, smiling and laughing. You gravitate towards quiet calm play. Puzzles, blocks and books are how you most like to spend your time..however a good romp at the park or a brisk walk up and down the block always make you an extra happy dumpling.

Teetering and toddling...

You've shown us more ways to move than we ever knew existed. You have dance moves all your own, ways of getting from a to b with ease, can climb up and down our entire staircase unassisted and get into and out of just about every chair we own. You even ride your little scoot trike with ease and jump with vigor on the trampoline. You still don't like falling when walking, but you are so strong and able. I secretly love that you still like to be held at the end of the day when you grow tired. I'm not ready to let my little baby go just yet. I'm glad you're not ready to get rid of me either!

Learning and growing

You are so desperate to be a big girl like your sister. You want to eat what she eats and do what she does. for the most part I let you and you do so well. You love play dough and coloring, big girl sippy cups and uncut sandwiches. You have started to help me cook too! You are great and dumping and stirring (and of course tasting). You and Ainsley are my "little chefs" and even though it means meals take twice as long to make, it wouldn't be a happy kitchen without you two.

I love you right now in THIS moment, snuggley and smiley, happy and able.


I love you my big growing girls!


  1. I love this post. And Ainsley's quotes are the best :) Such a funny girl!

  2. Your girls are so cute! Such fun stages they are at right now.


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