One of the things I looked forward to most before becoming a mama was getting to create for and with my children. When Ainsley was born I bombarded her with handknit toys and clothes, booties and blankets, a rug for her floor. Before she could even know or care I wanted her to be surrounded with things made with love and care, and I just LOVED making it all (lest you erroneously think these were all selfless acts).
Yet it wasn't quite enough. I salivated from very early on to create WITH Ainsley (and now Louise too). I longed for the moment when she could hold a crayon and swipe with purpose, match a cut out shape or scrap of fabric to a dob of glue. I racked my brain to find ways to make with a baby, then a toddler, ever hopeful and ultimately deflated whenever she lost interest or worse, ate the craft.
People used to laugh when I explained our craft adventures. "well of course she ate it, she's too young!" I heard over and over. But I just couldn't accept it. Creating is so deep and thick in my blood. How could it not be in hers?
So for a while I gave in. After one more crayon ingestion I packed up my carefully arranged craft area and put the box high up out of site. I let the summer fill our days with wild outdoor play and water adventures and left the creating to after hours knitting and sewing alone.
Then, with the first gust of cool fall air the spirit of creativity returned to our house. Out of the blue Ainsley started requesting to "make things mama". She has long lists of things she wants to do, we've begun mapping out our days so that we can fit it all in. I'm discovering new ways to make creating relatvively effortless and routine and we're both thriving in this new environment.
I am delighted, no thrilled to see that a little of me has taken hold inside her. With all of her rambunction and craze she has a calm deep down fed by careful work and concentration. I am amazed each time I pull out something new and watch her determination and pride as she works and then completes.
We are loving craft time.
*I listed some of our favorite crafts at the bottom of the post*
Ainsley got an early Christmas present, new down booties (the rascal found my thrifted stash of goodies for Christmas...I gave in and gave her one thing and re-hid the rest). Here she sports them with a newborn sized dress and a tank top, and not a lot else.
Louise will only feed herself now including anything spoon fed and as she LOVES oatmeal, yogurt and all other things spoony I finally gave in and let her try. She does really well and at least half gets in her mouth, but the result is trashed clothes at least 3 times a day.
Ainsley is getting better and better at her scoot bike and requests to ride it daily. Now that Louise is such a pro cruiser we spend hours outside our house up and down the sidewalk. It's great to have such effortless fun on these beautiful fall afternoons.
This past weekend was Oaktoberfest here. While not the most kid friendly event we had fun listening to music, munching on corn and sipping dollar root beer. Ainsley loves any event that involves a purse and Auntie Sonya.
::cutting up old books and magazines, Ainsley's favorite project,
she could do this for HOURS::
I am trying to get into a new routine for cooking. I've noted that I go through spurts when I am crazy motivated and organized in the kitchen and then a string of days (or weeks) when grilled cheese sounds like too much effort. So I'm starting to cook LOTS when I'm in the mood, making double batches and freezing half, cooking two or three meals at a time, making lots of snack and goodies for the girls to freeze and pull out when motivation is lacking. I love a cleaned out pantry and freezer restocked with fresh stuff and ideas. And Ainsley and Louise LOVE helping.
::homemade fig-apricot-apple bars,
even I grab one of these in lieu of breakfast somedays::
We continue to struggle with Ainsley's sleep. Her busy fall scheudle has her zonked and when she gets overtired...WATCH OUT!. So we're finding a new balance, getting the energy out early and quieting later. One of my favorite things to do with her is to go for walks. She requests them all day long and once dinner has been eaten and Ian is home I indulge her most nights. No strollers or carriers, just Ainsley and I (and usually a baby or two). I love these walks because there is no destination, no hurry. We can just meander and chat and giggle and run. Last night went much better for her and LOOK! I'm blogging at 1:30 so her naps are back on. If there's one thing I know I've learned as a mom it's to adjust and revamp, find a balance between routine and rhythm. I think we're all starting to settle and it's feeling good.
Today I am thankful for beautiful weather and sleeping girls, for busy mornings and lazy afternoons. I am thankful for good moods and lots of new projects on the horizon.
Happy Hump day out there!
Favorite Crafts::
Our favorite "clean or dry" crafts::
Cutting up magazines and old childrens books and gluing to make collages
contact paper crafts (sun catchers, window art with tissue paper, place mats, nature collages)
body tracing on big paper (hands and feet too) then coloring away
free drawing time by candelight before bedtime
toddler needlepoint (sewing with a plastic needle into potato/onion bags or coarse muslin)
Favorite messy crafts
painting in any form (easel color mixing, stamping with veggie stamps, toilet paper tubes and wine corks, making wrapping paper and fabric to sew with)
clay and dough (making and then playing with, forming creations to dry and paint later)
puffy paint and glitter glue (my girls LOVE the sparkle)
fingerpaint (with homemade paints and colored vanilla pudding-even Louise can do that harm if she eats it!)
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