Ainsley May 9 (almost 10!)
My Ainsley girl, we're almost 10 years into this together and you've been you from the very start. You are still my imaginative creative vibrant girl. If you had your way you'd spend your school hours writing long stories with elaborate illustrations, making inventions, sewing and crafting, singing and dancing and acting.
You really dislike the structure of school and homework and math but you still hold your love of chemistry fiercely so you're mustering through.
You've taught yourself most of the periodic table and keep a book about it in your backpack at all times. You love any chance to share your knowledge of chemistry with others.
You love your quiet time watching "big kid" shows but are still so sensitive to most movies with anything sad in them.
You love to cook and bake and concoct mixtures with soap and glue and anything you can get your hands on. I still find hidden bowls of unrecognizable crud in your room or under the bathroom sink almost weekly.
You LOVE church and your friends there. You beg to come with me any chance that you can.
You are so excited for basketball starting up and being in your first musical at school this winter. I am excited for you too. I've had a hunch that theater might just be your "thing" for quite some time now.
You begged us to play the viola for almost 2 years and now that you finally are you are finding the practicing and slow pace tedious. As usual you want to be an expert right away and are frustrated that it takes so much work. We're making you power through until the new year (that's how long we rented the instrument for). I have my fingers crossed that you keep going. I think you could be great at it.
You struggle more than most kids I know with friends and school stuff but are so strong and somehow have maintained your spark through many situations of hardship.
You are growing up to be such a beautiful charismatic young lady with such a kind heart (when you want to show it to us ;o).
I love you this moment, sassy and big eyed, too cool for school and daily humbled, snuggly and sweet.
Louise Adele (8)
Oh Louise, you are, for lack of a better term, our little complex unendingly sweet and empathetic tomboy. Your style has erupted this last year and your shy smile when you tried on your first matching sports warm up suit was almost too much cuteness.
You very kindly and carefully told me a few months back that you really aren't comfortable in dresses so we've been finding alternative dress up clothes for you for church. Right now nice pants and a blouse or sweater do the trick but I think if I let you you'd just wear your sports clothes all the time.
You LOVED playing soccer this fall and was sad when it was over. You are excited to play again in the spring.
You're doing dance again and your dad and I have loved that one on one time with you on Mondays driving you to and from your two classes, sitting with you for the half hour in between doing your homework and chatting. What a special time with our growing girl.
You continue to be incredibly self sufficient You know what your homework is and what you need to do each day.
You are such a good sister and friend and it warms my heart to see you look out for others and play so nicely.
You love art and reading the most but also tackle your math and other work with determination.
You are so good at so many things.
We can't wait to see who you grow up to be.
I love you this moment, sporty and sweet, wise and kind, silly and scrumptious.
Felix Daniel (5)
Felix I cannot get over how much you have grown since we moved three years ago. You went from a tiny toddler who needed his blankie to get through the door of preschool to a 5 year old who's taken the bus to and from school all year without one peep of nerves or sadness.
You LOVE school. You are my little sponge right now learning so much and taking it all in.
You started reading last year when you and I worked on a book together and have been reading Dick and Jane every night for many weeks now. Each night you learn a new word or two and once you've learned it it sticks in your brain and you rarely have to sound it out again.
You are very into non fiction and love learning about anything you can about the world around you and history: dinosaurs, planets, insects, geology. You beeline for the nonfiction section at the library and are so proud to check out your books on your own card (though you make me carry them to the car :oP).
You played soccer for the first time too this fall and loved it just as much as Louise. You love your sports clothes just like your big sister and would wear athletic shorts and T shirts every day if you could. I finally broke down and bought you a pair of compression tights to wear under your shorts so you can wear them all winter long.
You are a happy boy. You are so silly and laugh all the time. You are definitely the most social of all of us and want to be playing with friends every day after school. Lucky for you one of your best buds lives just up the street and another across the street so you're rarely at a loss for playmates.
Right now you are our little Jack of all Trades. You've recently gotten into art, you've always loved music and dancing, you're sporty and smart and friendly.
You can do anything you want in life buddy.
I love you right now, precious and little, big and growing, quick and smart.
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