Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Felix Days

This first week of school for the girls is going so well that I'm hesitant to write about it for fear of jinxing something!  Oops, too late!

I am so so so enjoying my one on one time with Felix.  THIS is one of my absolute favorite ages.  He can do so much and is so dang cute.

It's hot here now, like most of the midwest I hear.  Yesterday I got tired of staying inside and Felix and I walked our morning errands.  It's something I couldn't do last year because he'd fall asleep and ruin his afternoon nap.  Now I can push him in the stroller and we talk and errand and enjoy being out.  Yesterday we stopped at a splash pad on the way home, ate a little picnic lunch and were home (3 walking miles later) in time for an early nap for my boy.
Today we walked again, to pick up bread, to drop off his music class check, to pick up an iced chai for me and to play at a tot park.  We chose the park that was right by Louise's play school.
It brought me back to three years ago, dropping newly 2 year old Louise off, newly pregnant with Felix.  I try not to get too sentimental about those baby years for fear of sliding down a slippery slope, but man it was fun to remember.
AND for as much as love those baby toddler memories I am so so loving my growing children.  I am floored by how well school is going this year how different and big kid the struggles are.
Today on our walk home from the park Felix walked the whole way. He found a rock and banged it on every tree, fence, garage door and post he found.  He walked over a half mile.  Then he helped me peel eggs for egg salad.  Then he served himself seconds of egg salad.  Now if only he'd figure out potty training! Ha!

I am remembering my days with my girls at this age, so long and full and hard and mostly good.  I'm really excited for this year.  Life has been hard for quite a while now.  I'm soaking up this high while it's here.

I hope you all are having a great start to your school years.  And Minnesota friends, please eat all the fair food you can for me.  It's silly, but I miss Minnesota most during the state fair.  Ah, someday.
Happy week!

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