Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Winter Still

February has been hard this year.  I made a point to come back from Christmas with my A game on.  We made lots of plans, were super busy, had lots of fun and now February has felt like one big crash.

It's funny really, because I've always been so defense of February, it is my birth month you know.  But the truth is it's hard and quick (but not quick enough it seems)! Like everyone else I'm eager for a good thaw, sun and fresh air that doesn't feel like it's biting your face.

There are of course parts of the hunker down that I still love.  

I've loved this winter with Felix.  We play away and our mornings are so calm and happy.  This morning we grocery shopped and he helped me chop veggies for our soup (mushrooms are the best for that!).  I love my afternoons with Louise while Felix naps.  I've given up on naps almost entirely with her and most days I let her watch a show or two while I knit and we nuzzle, then play a game before Felix wakes up and we go to get Ainsley.  Oh those post school hours, they are mostly good.  We still find time for our projects and are getting better about getting alone time when we all need it around 4:30.  Ainsley's new favorite is blasting music in the basement while swinging and singing at the top of her lungs.  Her current favorite album is one of my old Counting Crows from high school.  That and Christmas albums.  There is quite a bit of me in that little girl for sure.

I perhaps love winter most for all the time to make.  After a craft supply run last week I tidied up our cabinets and the girls have had so much fun with glitter glue, stickers, paper and scissors and fabric.  Simple drawing continues to be a favorite and Felix gets in on the fun every time.
I am excited for new fabric coming my way for spring sewing for the kids and I.  It's my favorite kind of crafting right now.

So I'll continue to bundle the kids and brace myself for the biting air, I'll feel such relief when the sun does pour through our windows and give us a brief reminder of the thaw to come.  I'll do my best to enjoy all this togetherness and indoor time because it really is special and great.
Happy Tuesday to you all!

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