Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Making it!

These are all the photos that I have from our two weeks in Minnesota so far.  Ian's taken many more and I'm thankful for that.  It's been a full amazing HARD time and we are so happy.

Our belongings arrive from Oak Park next week.  I am so looking forward to settling into our new home.  The girls, Ainsley in particular, have been struggling off and on with missing home and as comfortable and lovely and amazing as my parents home is, I know we're all craving our space.  I can't wait to set up the kids rooms and arrange things and make it ours.  It's one of the best things about moving.  It's almost here!

Ian seems to be settling well into work, looking forward to the bit of time that will be shaved off of his commute at our new address, but enjoying it still.

I am anticipating having so little to worry and think about and how grand that will feel.  I am constantly feeling like I'm forgetting something and soon enough I'll get to just melt into our new place and my favorite time of year and it's going to be so amazing!

Right now my groove involves a lot of driving and trying to remember where things are amongst seemingly endless bags and suitcases.  My parents are handling the chaos that we've brought remarkably well.  I feel like running around screaming AHHH!!!!! most of the time.  BUT!  The girls are doing great in school.  The end of last week was challenging for Ainsley but I think we're either over that hump or seeing the light a bit or something because today was the best drop off we've had and we have four holiday days in front of us to get our bearings again.  Moving is hard, parenting is hard, those two together is  quite a bit for us all!

I'm thankful for so many things this year, not having to drive 7+ hours to celebrate with family is definitely high on that list! ;o).  I'm excited to share our new home with everyone soon and wish you all a wonderful holiday!

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