Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spring Days

Ah Spring days.  I am so glad we live in a place with seasons.  The pull outdoors is so great this time of year.  Then the rainy days come and tuck us back into our space for a bit. I love it all.

Ainsley's been using my camera off and on.  I'm starting to include some of her photos here because truthfully she takes just as many pictures as I do these days.

Theis week we've been indoors more than I'd like.  Some from all of the rain and some from my allergies.  I'm really hoping this next batch of rain over the weekend will wash away the last of this new budding pollen.

I was feeling a bit better this morning so after Felix's and my music class we went to pick out our first flowers of the season, some inpatients to brighten up our shady front garden.  I'm excited to plant with the kids this afternoon.  It's a gorgeous day.
We still haven't planted our backyard gardens at all.  We're replacing our back deck and it should be done this weekend (after some delays from the rain, fingers crossed!).  I am so so excited for a brand new deck to use this summer.  We bought a 6' folding table and tablecloth from Costco this past weekend in anticipation of all the outdoor fun we're going to get to have.  It's very exciting.

Today is Louise's open house for kindergarten for next year.  She is SO excited and I am so thankful.  Ainsley can't wait to be the big kid showing her around (and tomorrow at school Ainsley's class is visiting the 1st graders.  She's very excited about that too!)

Last night was Ainsley's and my last pottery class.  She was too cute insisting on bringing her new hand sewn purse with to show our teacher.  She is so bold and funny and self assured.  I hope she always keeps that part of her.  I love it.
I am SO excited to see all of our fun things glazed and ready in a few weeks.  Ainsley is particularly proud of a ceramic girl she made, her very own plate, and teeny tiny cups.  I am excited for a little pourer I made for sauces and milk, a gravy boat, two new mugs and a cereal bowl.  Now lets hope the glazes turn out!

Well after picking Ainsley up we had to rush home because I got something in my eye and it started puffing up like crazy.  I'm so thankful Ian was able to come home so I could try to shower it out.  He's with the kids at the open house as we speak.  I told him to take pictures!  I'm sad I couldn't be there with Louise.

So new deck by the weekend,  mother's day coming up (where I at least know there will be good food and lots of snuggles), a mere two weeks of preschool left for Louise.  It's going to fly so fast.  I'm getting really excited for summer with my kids.  The school year goes so fast.  I'm ready to slow it down a bit.

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