Yesterday at approximately 3:03 pm I got my energy back. I woke up from a 2 hour nap next to Louise who was still snoozing. I walked past Ainsley's room where she was sleeping still and past Felix's room where he too was, you guessed it, sleeping. I made myself some coffee, sipped and sat in silence. Then we had a great afternoon.
::Coffee ala Hario...the best kind of coffee
::Photo of the girls playing with coins before lunch, ainsley dressed up in an 18-24 month sized zebra costume after I'd told her the hilarious story of finding her passed out in that very costume as a 2 year old in her bedroom.
::sweet Felix bot crawling all around
::The girls dressed up in their new Frozen costumes rocking out to Let It Go
::play meal prepared by Louise for me while I sew. My desk is always so full of play meal love when I'm sewing.
::Playing with their new bear paw catch game that we made from our latest Kiwi Crate. Have you guys heard of these? AMAZING. My mom got a 3 month subscription for the girls, I'm tempted to keep it going. They are so good.
I am loving knitting, it's keeping me sane. I knit every chance I get and am plugging away at a beautiful knit dress for one of the girls and a last minute gift for someone special. It's fun to be making something totally impractical and stunning for once. I have way too much practical in my life right now.
I am so thankful for this past weekend. I had one super grumpy day but made it through. We had guests for dinner all three nights which was such a blessing. Our little house felt full and warm. I really like that feeling.
I am so very thankful for our home. With such a cold snowy winter we're here a ton and we love it here. These old wooden floors and plaster walls are our friends. If I stop and think about it too much I sure do miss parks and sun on my face and tired legs from walking, still I am thankful. Think how good spring will feel?
This morning I motivated to exercise during preschool time. I showered, did two loads of laundry, knit a few rows and managed to write this. Things are looking up. They always do after a few down days.
I hope this cold weather finds you all cozy and warm. Have a wonderful end to your week.
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