Thursday, March 10, 2011

Toddler and Barbasol

I've learned my lesson. I'm not going to say it out loud. You can just guess today what my sentiment is.

::Give a toddler a can of Barbasol and this is what you get::

Today I gave up. But not in that bad defeated way. In that embrace what my life is right now way. And it worked.

::pure unadulterated joy::

Yesterday evening Ian came home from work at the usual time. I had dinner waiting on the stove (not so usual) and Louise's baby food waiting in her glass dish. I spoon fed my girl her yummy peas as Ian recounted his busy day. Then I grabbed my bag filled with face wash, razor and ipod shuffle and ran out the back door.

::and quite the effective table cleaner I might add::

Last night I worked out. I ran my pants off at the gym amongst other stay at home moms, couples, full day workers and medical students. I blasted my old running tunes and let my body remember it's groove.

Oh how it remembers.

::wata colure PEEZ mama!::

("Ainsley what did you paint?" "A farm, no animals. Da animals went home. Big eyes, an elephant. Pffffff!")

I lifted too many weights did crazy endorphin fueled stretches, took a steaming hot shower using someone elses shampoo and came home.

::Look mama! a kitty cat...meow!"

The girls were in bed. The house was vacuumed, the dishes were put away. I went upstairs to kiss Ainsley goodnight, poured myself a thick glass of wine and heated up my share of the chicken barley extravaganza and sat down.

I woke up today refreshed and happy. It was almost agonizing to know how much it helped to run 3 miles, get out of this house, see other human beings. Too bad I can't do that every day.

::celery, the unexpected teething favorite::

Around 10am Ian called. "You want to work out again tonight?" Me: "Are you serious?" "Yeah" "HECK YES!"
::new best lunch ever, ants on a log, minus the ants::

I could get used to this.

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