Sunday, January 30, 2011

Louisey Bean Is 5 Months Old

That's her nickname. Well, at least my nickname for her. Ya-Weez is still Ainsley's favorite, as in, "I'm comin' YaWeez!" or "YaWeez be cryin'!" or my personal favorite "silly YaWeez!"

Louise Adele is 5 months old. Ahhhh!!! I can't believe it. It feels like she's been here forever and like she should be about 2 months old simultaneously. She is still a relatively easy baby. She goes to bed at 7 and is up at 5 when I bring her in to our bed to nurse and fall back asleep until about 7. She stirs once or twice at night but is good at getting herself back to sleep relatively quickly. She still loves to be held, snuggled, and played with. She still smiles ALL the time and laughs just as much. She is really such a happy pleasant baby.

Her 5 month birthday was marked with her first cold and fever. When Ainsley gets sick Ian and I secretly enjoy the extra snuggle time and affection (as she hardly ever wants to snuggle when she's feeling good) but with Louise it was just the saddest most pathetic thing in the world to see her sick. She'd pout and wine/cry/whimper ALL day and for the first time in her life just screamed and screamed for nearly a solid hour without any hope of being consoled. It was rough. But now we're on the other side and our smiley girl is back. Thank goodness.

I've had fun starting to go through clothes for our trip to Florida in a couple of months. I keep having to switch out sizes for Louise because she's growing so fast. She's starting to grow out of some of the 3-6 month sizes and can comfortably wear most of the 6-9 month clothes. I'm taking bets on when she outweighs Ainsley...I'm thinking fall? :o)

Louise and Ainsley are becoming more and more of a unit. When Louise was inconsolable with her cold/fever Ainsley was the only one who could calm her down. She'd talk to her and give her kisses and hugs and Louise would stop crying, if only for a minute to look at her big sister and smile.

Louise is getting so close to being able to sit up on her own. She can do it for a few seconds at a time and you can see the look of astonishment on both her and Ainsley's faces. It's going to be great when then can sit up and play together.

We've tried out some food on Louise. She must be the second child because I don'd even have any pictures of her first bites. She's tried bananas and pears and loves them both. She's still young though so we just do one ice cube worth at dinner time and we'll work from there once she's six months old. She already eats more baby food in one sitting than Ainsley ever did. Perhaps my homemade baby food will finally be worth the effort!

As Louise is getting older I am already lamenting the loss of my little baby. While I am excited for each new milestone and development I know that it means the loss of that little sweet bean who just needs her mom, milk, and love. It sure is fun watching her grow though. We love you YaWeez!

::post nap sister snuggles::

::they sat this way watching Sid the Science Kid for a good 10 minutes::

::then Ainsley got up for a snack and I got some snuggle time too::

::words can't describe it...I love that dumpling::

::enjoying a family walk on a mild winter afternoon::

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