Thursday, September 30, 2010

So Much for That

Funnily enough my last post about getting real seems to have prompted me to get busy around the house. I feel like if I can get even one thing checked off my never-ending to-do list a day I can call it a success.

Meals: I've cooked every night this week, despite REALLY wanting to call in for pizza at least three times. My favorite was a sausage, sweet potato, and apple dish. Ian and I decided we should eat it with pancakes next time. Regardless it was delicious and easy, two very important things.

DIY: Today Ainsley and I painted a tote bag that our friend Joann sent us back when I was on bedrest. Ainsley dictated what I drew and then she "colored" everything in. There's a truck, a train, a sun, a moon, stars, outside (trees and flowers) and a swingset. It's really cute and oh so Ainsley.
I finally put up some new photos and got rid of the sad dead money tree behind our couch. I LOVE the new picture wall (I did take pictures but it was too light for them to turn out). I also put up some art and photos in our bedroom (finally!). I'm hoping once more good burst of energy (coinciding with Ian being home to watch the girls) will see the few final bigger projects done around the house.
I finally finished knitting Ainsley's red sweater and am in the process of sewing it together and putting on the buttons. I hope it will be ready for the cooler weather we're supposed to get this weekend. Next is finishing her red wool jacket that I'll be felting. I'd better get a move on!

Errands: Today we walked up to the baby consignment shop by us and struck gold. I found both Ainsley and Louise adorable Christmas outfits, two new pairs of shoes for Ainsley and an extra dressy outfit for them both. It was quite the exciting trip.

I am really tired tonight. While it's been a good full week it's EXHAUSTING keeping up with Ainsley and Louise all at once. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to your face. Lunchtime is the hardest because we're all starving, tired, and a tidge cranky. Luckily Louise and Ainsley have synchronized enough to give me at least a 20 minute nap each day. A full nights sleep would be ridiculously amazing. I'm dreaming big I know.

I'm looking forward to a crisp fall weekend of raking leaves and baking, going to the Farmers market and an apple festival Ian says is going on north of us. Life is good, just tiring.

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