Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Ian's dad came to visit us for the weekend and we had a blast, Ainsley in particular. After the initial "who are you?" look she warmed up quickly. We ate a lot of good food, bought some lawn furniture which we promptly put to use with the nice weather, took walks, played at the park. The only real bummer of the weekend, for me, was Easter Sunday as I got some weird stomach bug Saturday night and was basically out of commission all day. While Ian, Dan, and Ainsley had fun and I eventually made my way out to the backyard where we let Ainsley loose with her Easter basket, it wasn't the day I had pictured. I am looking forward to dying eggs with her next year and doing a proper egg hunt.

Today we are spending the morning waiting around for the repairman for our broken washing machine. The time frame is 8-12 so I won't expect them before lunchtime I guess. What a bummer to wake up all motivated to get things done and then have to be housebound with an antsy toddler on a beautiful sunny day.

Ainsley and I both have doctor's appointments tomorrow. She goes in for her 15 month check up and I for my 16 week appt. I'm looking forward to hearing the baby's heartbeat and curious to see if I've gained weight (last time I'd lost 2 lbs.). I definitely feel bigger. It's getting harder and harder to find pants that fit comfortably. I'm going to have to invest in some maternity capris pretty soon here as all I have are pants or shorts.

I'll post pictures from our weekend soon. I think Ainsley hid my camera somewhere. Happy Easter!

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